Category Archives: Inquiry
Oct 17 2012
This morning we did this workshop on happiness. It was fun, I watched TED talk by Nic Marks “The happy planet index”. I enjoyed it, this TED talk was about the happiness of people in the world.
Oct 16 2012
Where am I now?
Researching the ways that it can reduce it’s fuel use.
Also researching the ways to fuel the vehicle while it is in use.
Where do I plan to at 2:45
I plan to be finished researching
Where I really am.
Finishing my research
Oct 12 2012
Today for my inquiry I looked at some batteries that could be used. A possibility is the lithium ion battery. And I also fount that apparently the best electric car is the Honda Fit EV 2013. And that 25% of the earths CO2 is from cars. Interesing…
Inquiry Oct 3 2012
Today I brainstormed some ideas of what I should do for my next inquiry. We need to make an inquiry that relates to or core subjects. And while I was doing that I went to the gym and played soccer.